Station Of The Cross Prayer Pdf. Every friday in jerusalem, franciscan monks take groups of pilgrims down. Christ jesus, though he was in the form of god, did not count equality with god a thing to be grasped;
It reads jezus bierze krzyż na ramiona swoje (jesus takes the cross on his shoulders). Third station jesus falls the first time we adore you, o christ, and we bless you:
When Morning Came, All The Chief Priests And The Elders Of The People Conferred Together Against Jesus In Order To Bring About His Death.
Because by thy holy cross, thou hast redeemed the world.
By Journeying Through The Stations We Walk With Jesus On His Way To The Cross.
Peter’s, we have representations of 10 of the traditional 14 stations.
But Emptied Himself, Taking The Form Of A Servant, And Was Born In Human Likeness.
Images References :
Use The Picture/ Items / Words On The Poster To Reflect On The Real Events Of.
At each station, flip to the passage given and meditate on it.
We Adore Thee, O Christ, And We Praise Thee.
It reads jezus bierze krzyż na ramiona swoje (jesus takes the cross on his shoulders).